Secrets at Sea Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

We couldn't see a moment ahead. We couldn't see anything. Louise whimpered. Beatrice clung. I'd have taken my chances back home. Gladly. But you can't go back, not in this life. You have to go forward. (6.11)

Helena, Beatrice, and Louise are having a rough time on their first adventure—so far traveling across the Atlantic isn't their cup of tea. Helena is even so upset about the trip that she wants to go back home. Check out each of the sisters' reactions to their new adventure. Do their reactions seem similar to one another?

Quote #8

But luck was not with me. He was through that door and on my tail. Now I ran at random. My feet went faster than my thoughts. I might have been headed anywhere, even onto the ballroom floor beneath the heedless feet of all those milling humans.

Instead, I seemed to skim over the carpet of a corridor. It was a deck nearly as grand as the Princess's Royal Suite. Maids bustled from door to door, carrying bed linens. I fled too fast to be seen. But they couldn't miss the snarling cat. With any luck, a maid would fetch him a good swift kick in the other direction.

It wasn't to be. I picked the first closed door, and was under it in a furry flash. Without a second to spare. (11.26-28)

If you're looking for a good chase scene in this book, well here it is. In this game of cat and mouse, Helena is on the run and the ship cat is raring to snatch her. Eek, right? But in the end, this cat chase also leads Helena to discover little Lord Sandown's room… so maybe all this exploring has an upside after all.

Quote #9

"Lamont, you don't mean—"

"I'll be pursuing a career as Assistant Cabin Steward, with prospects." He drew himself up, as much as he could. "It's me destiny."

Destiny. Where did he even learn that word?

We gazed at our brother, trying to think. You know how mice are about water. And Lamont meant to spend his life at sea. You can't make these things up.

"Oh, Lamont." I worked my hands. The bothersome boy! "What if something happens to your tail? Who will sew it back?"

But he thrust his patchy tail well out of sight and turned his little pointy chinless face to the future. (13.63-68)

When it comes to being adventurous, Helena can be very cautious and Lamont is super daring. He wastes no time starting a new adventure on the ship, and he's ready to explore the world, with or without his tail.