Secrets at Sea Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Three small figures, gray as the dawn, gathered on the carpet of Camilla's cabin, nose to nose to nose. You know who. We were nearly tuckered out from the gala dinner with dancing to follow. It had gone on far into the night.

Now we had only moments to scale the trunk, up to Camilla's handkerchief drawer, for the journey on to London. The time had come once more to pack ourselves for shipping. (15.2-3)

Now that they've reached England, Helena is in for a whole new set of adventures exploring Buckingham Palace and meeting British mice. What do you think about Helena's attitude toward these new adventures here? Does she sound excited? Or scared? Do you think Helena has become more adventurous throughout the book? Or is she as cautious as ever?