How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
I drew my pillow slowly toward me, kissing it first with my mouth closed and then with it open. The tip of my tongue poked out, touching the dry fuzzy cloth. (5.49)
Awkward experiments with sexuality are all part of the coming-of-age process, and here we see Dolores making out with her pillow. Classic.
Quote #5
I closed my eyes and the hairbrush dropped to the floor. My hands wandered the insides of my thighs, back and forth against my wet underpants. Eddie's hands. Jack's. (5.110)
More awkward sex experiments here, but why does she fantasize about her dead uncle?
Quote #6
"If [Dolores] decides not to go to college, you may both regret it for the rest of your lives." (8.6)
Grandma acts like if only Dolores had made this decision sooner, Ma would still be alive, which is ridiculous. Ma might not have died angry if Dolores would have just grown up sooner, but Dolores's attitude has nothing to do with the accident that killed her mother.