How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"You and I are together in this. If you tell anyone, I'll do it. You'll probably hear the shots. Her and me will be lying up there with half our heads blown away. Two deaths, thanks to you." (7.159)
In order to keep Dolores silent after he rapes her, Jack says he'll kill his wife and himself if she tells anyone. The threat ultimately doesn't work, but the guilt sticks with her. Dolores often thinks that her own actions result in bad things happening to other people. When Rita miscarries the baby, this reinforces Dolores's tragic belief.
Quote #5
It was regret that had mostly motivated my mother since the night Roberta walked me back across the street. (8.7)
Ma is able to at least use her guilt to spur positive change here. She feels guilty for not looking after Dolores better when she was raped by Jack, so she tries to get Dolores into college to create some positivity in her life.
Quote #6
"My wife died four Tuesdays ago. Cancer of the colon. We were married forty-one years. Now stop feeling sorry for yourself and lose some of that pork of yours." (8.69)
The doctor doesn't have the best bedside manner (he makes Dr. House look warm and fuzzy), but he has a point: Dolores is using food to deal with her guilt. Everyone goes through tough times, and now Dolores needs to pull herself together, or the tough times will win.