How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"Oh, my mother works," I told Jeanette when she suggested we go over to my house instead of hers. (2.9)
This is one of the first lies Dolores tells, and she tells it to avoid the shame of having Jeanette see what a lazy lump her mother has become. Dolores will use this technique a lot in life: lying to avoid shame.
Quote #2
I confessed how I had sat wickedly by while I watched my good friend Rosalie Pysyk deface her religion book with a filthy, immoral picture. I listened, somewhat amazed, to the treacherous catch in my voice. (3.103)
Dolores lies to get her bully in trouble, and she acts like she's surprised that she's able to do it. That's a lie, too. The truth is that lying comes naturally to Dolores, and eventually she starts lying more often than she tells the truth.