How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Why had Judas followed after? Was he incited by lust for revenge—to watch the final destruction of the man he had sold? (7.31)
We have an easy answer for you, buddy: shame. There is no way that Kichijiro is proud of what he's done—after all, the poor guy's entire adulthood is defined by his propensity towards betrayal. In our eyes, Kichijiro keeps following Rodrigues because he desperately wants forgiveness.
Quote #8
Ferreira—who was writing that this Christianity to which he had devoted his life was false. (7.199)
This is almost more than Rodrigues can bear. Ferreira didn't merely betray his faith to escape torture; he betrayed it because he sincerely doesn't believe in it. That's huge.
Quote #9
"You refuse to do so. It's because you dread to betray the Church. You dread to be the dregs of the Church, like me." (8.95)
This is the truth that Rodrigues has been desperate to escape. In many ways, Rodrigues is just like Kichijiro: both men are terrified of death and do whatever they can to escape it. What's worse, Rodrigues's fear of betraying the Church has directly led to the suffering of innocents.