The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Love your pals. Love yourself. (1.46)

Words to live by, Shmoopsters. The Sisterhood summarizes the rules of the friendship in two simple sentences. The girls know how to love each other, but loving themselves is the part they struggle with throughout the summer. The Pants remind them that while they are being nice to each other, they should also be nice to themselves. 

Quote #8

If you were here, you would make me laugh about this. I wish you were. (17.36)

Lena could really use Tibby's humor right about now, since she has made a mountain of a molehill and feels like an idiot. Without Tibby's sarcasm to make light of a heavy situation, Lena must confront her mistakes. It's good to rely on friends, but having the strength to work through obstacles is important too. 

Quote #9

"You love each other. Tibby loves you. It doesn't matter." (19.23)

Bailey reminds Carmen what really matters. Carmen's spat with Tibby is not worth losing sleep over—their love for each other is all that matters.