Slam Writing Style

Relatable Rambling

Before we try to explain what this style means, we think it would be better coming directly from Sam. Remember when he tries to explain that his mom got pregnant with him when she was sixteen? Instead of just giving us the facts, he tells us:

For a while, it didn't really register that she wasn't old enough to be the mother of a fifteen-year-old boy, but this last year especially, it's started to seem a little bit weird. First of all, I grew about four inches, so more and more people think she's my aunt, or even my sister. And on top of that… There isn't a good way of saying this. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll repeat a conversation I had with Rabbit. (2.2)

Sam could have just said, "my mom had me when she was young and now my friends think she's hot." Instead, though, he drones on and on and on and… well, you get the idea. Sam is one to keep talking, even if there's a much quicker way to tell the story. Why? He likes talking to us, which gives the style a loose and relatable feel. This isn't a documentary, after all. It's more like a conversation—but for more on this, hop on over to the "Tone" section.