Slam Themes

Slam Themes


Tick, tock. Time is a big deal in Slam. First of all, there's some time travel as Sam travels to the future to see what his life is like later on. Now, we know people can't actually travel through...


How do you know you're in love? If you ask the movies, it's when you sing to your crush from the school bleachers, run onto the baseball field to make-up with your crush, or hold up signs that your...


Ah, the perfect family. There's a mom, dad, 2.5 kids, and a golden retriever. You know the type. It's great if that just so happens to be your family, but for many of us, it's not. What then? Slam...


Tea or coffee? Short sleeves or long? Freeway or side streets? Every day, we all make hundred of choices. Most of them aren't even that hard to make—we always go for coffee—but sometimes a choi...

Social Class

When we hear the words "social class," we think of old-timey England where kings ruled and paupers drooled. While Slam isn't quite like that, social class is still a really big deal because Alicia'...

Dreams, Hopes, and Plans

Slam is all about dashed hopes, failed dreams, and foiled plans, so it's easy to presume that this book is going to be a downer through and through. Sam's mom dreams about him being the first in th...


If you're scratching your head asking what you missed in Slam, don't worry—religion never takes center stage. It's always lurking in the background somewhere, though. Sam considers what he believ...

The Home

If we gave you the choice to live with your family or with complete strangers, we're guessing you'd choose the fam. No matter how screwed up they are, it's better than risking whatever's behind doo...