Sling Blade Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Sling Blade.

Quote #10

KARL: Mmm. You're a good mama to that boy. You care for him. You work hard to care for him. You light him up in his eyes. I've seen it. That boy wouldn't know what to do without you.

We're not sure we'd go far enough to call Linda a good mama, because she does bring Doyle back into her house, knowing full well how dangerous and hateful he is toward her son. But the rest is true—although it might be true only because Linda is the only living family member Frank has left.

Quote #11

FRANK: I wish me and you and Mama would just run away.

By the end of the movie, Frank thinks the three of them could go anywhere and be okay. That means he considers Karl a member of the family.