How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Sling Blade.
Quote #4
BILL: You've been in lockup so long, you don't need me to keeping you locked up. You need to come and go as you please. Here. Take this key. It'll get you in and out of here at night.
Bill puts Karl in a little room, not because he doesn't trust him, but simply because that's the way the shop works. However, he soon feels guilty about it, giving him a key to get out. Karl actually leaves, showing us that he's getting comfortable in the real world. He doesn't want to isolate himself anymore.
Quote #5
CHARLES: What was it like out there in the world?
KARL: It was too big.
Having too many choices can cause anxiety: it's called the paradox of choice. Karl has led such a sheltered life that he has a difficult time adjusting to the nearly infinite number of possibilities in the real world. Kimmy Schmidt he's not.