Sling Blade Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Sling Blade? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is one thing Karl says he learned after he "growed up"?

"you ain't supposed to kill nobody"
"I wish I ain't committed that crime"
"life is like a box of chocolates"
"biscuits and mustard is a terrible combination"
Q. Where did Karl sleep as a child?

in a cold bedroom
in a hole in a shed
under his father's bed
in a cupboard under the stairs
Q. What figure from his past does Karl visit as an adult?

his mother's grave
his father
the family of the man he killed
Andy Griffith
Q. After thinking about it, Karl disagrees with the Bible that Vaughan will go to hell for what reason?

that he's gay
that he wanted to kill his father
that he covets Linda's family life
that he has a bad haircut
Q. Who does Karl speak up to at the end of the movie?

Charles Bushman
Jerry Woolridge
the Frostee Cream boy