How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Hiro picks up the goggles. As he brings them up toward his eyes, he sees the image: a wall of black-and-white static. Da5id's computer has snow-crashed.
He closes his eyes and drops the goggles. You can't get hurt by looking at a bitmap. Or can you? (24.67-68)
The technology used to create—to write software, to code the Metaverse—can also be used to harm. Much like a sword, it seems that technology is always double-edged. Also, stuff you thought was safe? Totally isn't. We sure don't have anything that falls in that category today (cell phones, airport scanners, cars).
Quote #2
"You're a dead man," Rife shouts. "You're stuck on the Raft, asshole. I got a million Myrmidons here. You gonna kill 'em all?"
"Swords don't run out of ammo," Hiro shouts. (60.59-60)
If technology simply means a man-made tool, Hiro's sword definitely counts. It may not have lasers or bullets, but it gets the job done, and until the edge dulls, it's not going to stop working.
Quote #3
Most hacker types don't go in for garish avatars, because they know that it takes a lot more sophistication to render a realistic human face than a talking penis. (5.4)
Ah, technological elitism. Those hackers with their knowledge of how to render things in virtual reality, ruining the idea of talking genitals for us plebians.