How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Ng Security Industries Semi-Autonomous Guard Unit #A-367 lives in a pleasant black-and-white Metaverse where porterhouse steaks grow on trees, dangling at head level from low branches, and blood-drenched Frisbees fly through the crisp, cool air for no reason at all, until you catch them. (12.1)
This is what heaven looks like, if you happen to be a dog jacked into virtual reality. It makes perfect sense that in the high-tech future, humans aren't the only ones who get increasingly hooked into technology.
Quote #8
"Take off your headset," Uncle Enzo says. "And turn off that walkie-talkie. You need your ears." (69.48)
This is how Uncle Enzo survived Vietnam and rose to the top of the Mafia food chain: He doesn't use technology when plain old common sense and situational awareness will serve him better.