Solaris Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) Note that chapters aren't numbered, so need to be numbered manually, 1 to 14.

Quote #10

"Contact? Still Contact? Haven't you had enough of this madhouse? What more do you need? No, it's out of the question. Count me out!"

"Why not," he asked quietly. "You yourself instinctively treat it like a human being, now more than ever. You hate it." (13.67-68)

Snow's reasoning here seems kind of off. After all, we hate the couch we always stub our toes on, but that doesn't make the couch a sentient being. Kelvin seems to have the right idea, though: Enough of these ocean-brains and couches leaping out to stub your toe willy-nilly. Snow can stay there rummaging in the couch cushions if he wants, but Shmoop is going home.