Something Happened Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I don't know what finally became of Marie Jencks. I never even found out what happened to me. (3.70)

Slocum can't seem to pinpoint the moment when he no longer felt like himself. Was it just a moment that caused him to fall out of touch with himself? Or a series of events?

Quote #5

"You're never the same. You always change. Sometimes you laugh at something I do. Sometimes you get angry and annoyed when I do exactly the same thing and want me to go away. I don't like it when you drink. I never know what to expect." (4.124)

Slocum's daughter confides all this to her father, to which he retorts that he doesn't know how to be a father. There's no instruction manual for parents, and he's simply trying the best he can with what he's got.

Quote #6

"Hey! Here I am. Couldn't you find me? Can't we be together now?" (5.27-28)

Slocum feels he is still a timid little boy inside, just like his own son, and he wishes that that little boy would come out and play. Perhaps Slocum is acting upon some suppressed childhood memories, or perhaps he truly thinks that he would better understand his own son through the eyes and mindset of a child.