Something Happened Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I see no future for my boy (the veil won't lift, I don't get a glimmer, I see no future for him at all) and this is always a heart-stopping omen. When I look ahead, he isn't there. (6.63)

Slocum can't envision his son aging past nine. He seems to be stuck in time, with every day being his last. That turns out to be a prophetic thought for Slocum. Does he actually what is going to happen? Or does his fear somehow make disaster happen? Or it is all just chance?

Quote #8

My id suppurates into my ego and makes me aggressive and disagreeable. Seepage is destroying my loved ones. (6.70)

Slocum feels a loss of control over his emotions, and he fears his subconscious desires will eclipse reality. He can restrain himself from saying what he wants and acting upon how he feels, but he finds it difficult to suppress the need to want to.

Quote #9

I'd like to be able to photograph all my dreams with a motion picture camera and nail the guilty bastards in them dead to rights. I'd have the evidence. I'd like to wiretap their thoughts. I'd like to photograph their dreams to find out what's going on in their minds while they are going around at liberty in mine. (6.83)

Okay, maybe he's losing it a bit. Slocum's dreams seem to be eclipsing reality, for now he's talking about wiretapping the thoughts of others when they dream. He mistakenly believes that others are listening in on his dreams, but in reality, we know that's just not possible.