Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.

Quote #1

KIRK: Let the record show that [...] the crew of the late starship Enterprise have voted [...] to face the consequences of their actions in the rescue of their comrade, Captain Spock.

The Voyage Home has a unique jumping-off point, as far as Star Trek movies go. The crew of Enterprise isn't in the middle of a five-year mission to explore strange new worlds—they're renegades from Starfleet. And why? They broke just about every law in the book to bring their friend, Spock, back to life in the last movie. Check out the aptly titled The Search for Spock for more on that.

Quote #2

SPOCK: I must go to Earth. To offer testimony.

AMANDA: You do this for friendship?

Spock is in a funky state after his whole "resurrection" deal, so he has even less insight into emotions than before. Yikes. Nevertheless, he still feels a sense of loyalty to the crew of Enterprise.

Quote #3

AMANDA: Then you stand here alive because [...] your flawed, feeling human friends [...] believed that the good of the one, you, was more important to them.

Here, Spock's mom reminds him how much his friends sacrificed for him. Though this might seem illogical from his rigid Vulcan perspective, it shows that friendship can be as powerful as a dilithium crystal.