Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.

Quote #7

GILLIAN: Let's just say that no humpback born in captivity has ever survived. [...] So, you see, that, as they say, is that.

Gillian's humpbacks are in a tough predicament: they're too big to stay in captivity, but they're too domesticated to survive in the wild. Sadly, this is a quandary faced by many who work in wildlife preservation. There's no easy solution.

Quote #8

GILLIAN: What are you talking about? I'm coming with you.

KIRK: You can't. Our next stop is the 23rd century.

GILLIAN: I don't care. I've got nobody here. I have got to help those whales.

Gillian loves all whales, of course, but George and Gracie are like her children. She can't imagine life without them. After all, remember how badly she freaked when they were released into the wild? She was like a mom whose sons just went off to war.

Quote #9

[Bounty prevents a group of whalers from killing George and Gracie. They uncloak, terrifying the whalers and sending them running.]

If you've ever cried while watching an animal rights documentary on YouTube, this should be a satisfying power fantasy. Will it have an impact on the future of the whaling industry? Probably not. But does it feel as good as eating an entire sleeve of Oreos? You'd better believe it.