Stitches: A Memoir Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Whoever said you had cancer?" (3.280)

Nobody, Mom. That's the problem. Duh.

Quote #5

"Well, the fact is, you did have cancer […] but you didn't need to know anything then […] and you don't need to know about it now. That's FINAL!" (3.283-285)

David's dad, who says these words, is also the one who gave him cancer. Lies and deceit often come from guilt and shame.

Quote #6

"A boy who has had cancer […] a boy whose parents and doctors did not tell him he had cancer…a boy who had to find out the truth on his own […] is this crazy?" (4.34)

There's a saying that mental instability is a sane response to an insane environment. Of course, if you have schizophrenia and are hallucinating, that may not be true, but in David's case it is. Basically, he goes to therapy because his mom won't.