Stitches: A Memoir Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You've been living in a world full of nonsense, David. No one had been telling you the truth about anything. But I'm going to tell you the truth." (4.32-33)

Becoming an artist is how David ultimately finds the truth in a world full of nonsense. It works.

Quote #8


David, having crawled across the floor after the White Rabbit therapist tells him his mother doesn't love him, clings to the rabbit's ankles. It's an act of sorrow, but also of gratitude—finally, someone has told him the truth.

Quote #9


David comes home from therapy, walks into his mom's bedroom, and learns that she's been deceiving the whole family simply by being married to his dad. She's gay, and she's sleeping with Mrs. Dillon. That'll make you turn right around and go back to the therapist from whence you came.