Stitches: A Memoir Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

And it was Dad the radiologist who gave me the many X-rays that were supposed to cure my sinus problems. (1.45)

This is the first time in the story we realize that not only are we going to see David being damaged emotionally, we're going to see him being damaged physically. It's the moment we know this tale probably won't turn out well.

Quote #2


When the elevator opens on the third floor of the hospital, David sees an old man in a wheelchair, with someone's hands pushing him, and a faceless person in scrubs pulling his oxygen tank alongside him. The man glares at David, revealing to the young boy the suffering of old age.

Quote #3


After finding out David has lost his shoes and driving him home in silence, his parents confront him, asking if he thinks they're made of money. His mom takes it one step farther, backhands him, and sends him to bed without supper to dream of the fetus in the jar.