Stitches: A Memoir Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Surely this is not me."

"No, friend. It surely is." (3.121-122)

Here we have David's thoughts upon first seeing his stitches, with the words he imagines the stitches giving in response. His journey from innocence to wisdom begins when he realizes he's literally scarred for life.

Quote #2


In what is arguably the most heartbreaking panel in the book, the little bat in David's dream opens the umbrella and realizes it isn't his mother—it's not even a working umbrella. It's just a bunch of spines with shreds of fabric, and the motherless bat stands alone in the rain.

Quote #3

Above all, I recalled waking up from the second surgery and reaching out for that book, symbol of my liberation. (3.197)

Reading Lolita transforms David into someone separate from his family. If he can't be free of them physically, he can be free of them mentally.