Stitches: A Memoir Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

After that awkward moment, while my own emotions ricocheted between extremes of betrayal and foolishness, anger and confusion, what stayed with me for the longest time was the look mother gave me, itself full of complex feelings […] (4.91)

Obviously seeing your mom in bed with another woman will change your life forever, but because her secret has been discovered, the incident changes David's mom's life, too. Once she knows he knows, neither of them can ever be the same.

Quote #8

"I gave you cancer." (4.137)

Once David knows where his cancer came from, it's no longer just something that happened to him -- it's something that was done to him. But once you realize who's been writing your life story, you can take it back and write the rest of it yourself.

Quote #9


In this full-page panel, we see David's child face looking up from the table at the X-ray machine. Where the child's chin should be are the teenage David's eyebrows, with his face below. We see his sad, baffled expression at the moment his dad reveals he gave David cancer. The boy transforms into a man in one panel; one moment of enlightenment.