Stitches: A Memoir Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

X-rays could see through clothes, skin, even metal. They were miraculous wonder rays that could cure anything. (1.61)

Or, you know, kill you. But that's almost like curing… er… never mind.

Quote #2


The fetuses on the shelf in the hospital where David's dad works are arranged in order of size and stage of development. In this frame, David sees the largest fetus open its eyes and look at him. Small child alone in hospital at night, being stared at by dead fetus = lifelong nightmare fuel.

Quote #3


When the fetus climbs out of the jar and chases David—it can run surprisingly fast for a fetus—David makes a mad dash to the elevator before the fetus can catch him. However, he was sock-skating in the empty hallway when he discovered the fetus, and he forgets his shoes. He returns to reality when, in the safety of the elevator, he looks down at his feet.