Stitches: A Memoir Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7


David rests his head on his drawing and gets sucked down into it. He slides down a big esophagus into a giant stomach full of cartoon characters, which look like early Disney drawings. As David slides down to meet them, his face turns cartoonish like theirs, and his ears turn into mouse ears. If he can't fit in with the kids on the playground, he can fit in with a stomach full of happy creatures.

Quote #8

"He was a durn little fool." (1.306)

In David's dream the night his grandmother scalds his hands, he sees his own funeral. His grandmother is there, but it's the Jesus on the crucifix who hangs over his casket and repeats her words. Like all the other adults who populate David's world, Jesus looks angry and sinister.

Quote #9


As David stands in the bathroom looking at his neck in the mirror, he sees that the shape of the growing lump looks similar to a pregnancy. He imagines the dead fetus growing in there, and it gets clearer with each panel, until it's just about to open its eyes again.