Tales of the Madman Underground Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Marti sure joined the group in a hurry," Paul said. "Already hiding other Madmen, already been locked out herself, it's like she's always been here."

"She's really changed the group," I agreed. "But I guess it needed changing. I kind of like her knack for upsetting things." (21.114-115)

We talk about this in the "Characters" section in some detail, but Marti's appearance in the Madman Underground is really what sets this whole thing in motion. Because of her, Karl rethinks his plan to become normal and the Madmen decide to come out of hiding and be friends in public. Not only that, but she becomes a real friend to Karl during the period when things are still on the rocks with Paul.