How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"Your brother got ahead of himself. Too inspired by tail." (10.87)
Einhorn, a lustful man himself, criticizes Simon for being ambitious about the wrong thing, making romance too high a priority. The important word in Einhorn's statement is "too."
Quote #5
"Either this stuff comes easy or it doesn't come at all." (10.143)
Manny Padilla's offhand remark stays with Augie and becomes something of a principle of his choices and behavior. It's probably not the principle of an ambitious individual, though it does sound like it could be part of a rap or something.
Quote #6
Why, everybody knows this triumphant life can only be periodic. So there's a schism about it, some saying only this triumphant life is real and others that only the daily facts are. For me there was no debate, and I made speed into the former. (10.147)
Have you realized yet that Augie is one contradictory dude? He seeks a triumphant life, but purposefully avoids challenges over which he could be triumphant. Maybe if he had a debate with himself, he'd have realized his own inconsistencies.