The Adventures of Augie March Dreams, Hopes, Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I think Einhorn was disappointed and maybe even shocked; shocked, I mean, by his misjudgment of my fitness to follow him in his shooting trajectory into what a soul should be. (10.93)

Einhorn has high hopes for Augie and, for a while, makes some effort to steer him toward success. Why do you think Einhorn takes an interest in Augie? Why does he correct Augie's faults instead of ushering him out of his life?

Quote #5

"You better get wise to this. If people don't know what you qualify in they'll never know where to place you, and that can be dangerous. You have to get in there and do something for yourself. Even if you're just waiting, you have to know what you're waiting for, you have to specialize. (10.121)

Manny Padilla advises Augie to practice better social signaling. People who can employ him won't know how he can fit into their plans until Augie clearly communicates his own dreams and ambitions. They won't know if he's a good fit.

Quote #6

"I want money, and I mean want; and I can handle it. Those are my assets." (10.191)

For Simon, marrying into the Magnus family isn't his goal, but a touchstone. He intends to use the wealth he acquires to create more wealth of his own. We're not sure if this is ambitious or just plain selfish.