How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
My mind was already dwelling on a good enough fate.
While the old lady, following her own idea of what fate would be, continued to find various jobs for me. (3.1-2)
For Augie, fate appears to be the result of circumstance, influence, and choices. His own fate isn't entirely in his hands, as time only knows all that will happen to him and around him.
Quote #2
All the influences were lined up waiting for me. I was born, and there they were to form me, which is why I tell you more of them than of myself. (4.1)
As a character, Augie March is less drawn out than some of the people in his life. Usually, when he describes himself, he's noting what someone else has said about him and whether or not he agrees.
Quote #3
Mama must have felt she was in one of her star-crossed hours, and that the result of her unlucky capitulation to our father was beginning to show its final retributive shape. (4.7)
On the fate vs. freewill spectrum, Augie's mother is on Team Fate. Augie implies that she's the type to find meaning for her life in the movement of the heavens. In other words, she's superstitious.