How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
The great astonishment of this state was that the unity of humanity should maybe be not one but two. Not even the eagle falconry distressed me as much as that what happened to her had to happen to me too, necessarily. This was scary. (14.65)
Augie is a sucker for love, but he's scared of what love entails—shared joys and sufferings. It's swell, at least, that he knows that love involves more than just momentarily feelings. He knows enough to be scared of love.
Quote #8
"Is love supposed to ruin you? It seems to me you shouldn't destroy yourself out of life for purposes of love—or what good is it?"
"That's right, but I didn't love her as I ought to have. You see, I missed out." (21.94-5)
Augie followed Thea to Mexico. In one sense, he was head over heels in love, but in another sense, he didn't love her. He never made her heart his own. He didn't sacrifice unless he saw a return for him, and those lizard-hunting eagles were not looking too promising.