How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"They'd rather have a poor young man. A poor young man gets up more steam and pressure. They were like that themselves and they know." (11.50)
Simon explains to Augie why the Magnuses are willing trust him despite his coming from poverty. They believe he's someone who has had to struggle to survive and will be willing to work hard, with dedication and sacrifice. Hah, little do they know…
Quote #8
"This has been hard for Einhorn to take. He banked on Arthur. So did Tillie. Now it's just part of the Depression picture. Children coming back with their kids to live with the old folks in their flat." (13.127)
The Einhorns' son has not been the success they anticipated and he's had to return to them, unemployed, ill, and with a baby. Einhorn suffers for this, but largely because he accepts the American Dream narrative and judges his son in light of it.