The Alchemist Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Alchemist? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which character wants Subtle to use his "art" to help him set up his tobacco shop?

None of the above
Q. Why does Dapper agree to the humiliating ritual of dabbing vinegar all over his face and eyes while humming and buzzing?

Subtle told him he smells bad.
He thinks he's going to meet the Queen of Fairies.
Dude ran out of cologne.
He thinks it will bring him more customers.
Q. Which character wants "the stone" so he can have a bunch of concubines and hang out with poets who write so "subtly of the fart"(2.2.63)?

Q. What does Subtle teach Kastril how to do?

Conjure up the spirits of the dead.
Cheat at Poker.
Improve his trash talking skills.
Pick pockets.
Q. Why does Dapper come sniffing around for Subtle's help?

He wants to be better looking.
He loves to gamble and wants to win a ton of money.
He wants to raise money for his church.
He never asks for Subtle's help.