The Assistant Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: The book doesn't have numbered or titled chapters, but it is broken up into sections with sub-sections under these. We'll call this Chapter:Section:Paragraph.

Quote #4

Telling her would take guts and guts was something. (4.5.13)

He sure knows how to impress the ladies!

Quote #5

Waking, she fought an old distrust of the broken-faced stranger, without success. The stranger had changed, grown unstrange. That was the clue to what was happening to her. One day he seemed unknown, lurking at the far end of an unlit cellar; the next he was standing in the sunlight, a smile on his face, as if all she knew of him and all she didn't, had fused into a healed and easily remembered whole.


She felt she had changed him and this affected her. (6.1.1)

Here we get a hint that Helen's affections and compassion for Frank Alpine are not entirely selfless.

Quote #6

People forgave people—who else? He could explain if she would listen. Explaining was a way of getting close to someone you had hurt; as if in hurting them you were giving them a reason to love you. (7.2.4)

That sounds twisted, especially given the specific hurt Frank has caused Helen—rape. Does Frank remain a sympathetic character after he assaults Helen?