The Assistant Competition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: The book doesn't have numbered or titled chapters, but it is broken up into sections with sub-sections under these. We'll call this Chapter:Section:Paragraph.

Quote #4

One woman told him that Schmitz was not giving as good service as he once did; he was having trouble with his health and was thinking of selling the store. Let him sell, thought Morris. He thought, let him die, then severely struck his chest. (4.2.1)

Morris is not a violent man, so you can tell by this brief thought of his that the competition has hurt him deeply.

Quote #5

Her own life, she thought, was much like her father's, restricted by his store, his habits, hers. (5.1.4)

Helen also isn't in a position to compete, even against herself. She doesn't have the time or resources to be picky about when and where she attends school or whom she sees romantically.

Quote #6

If it would only stay like this—no Karp's paradise, but at least livable, not the terrible misery of only a few months ago—he would be satisfied. (5.5.2)

Is Morris doomed because he lacks a competitive spirit? Is he too satisfied with just getting by? Survey says…YES.