The Assistant Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: The book doesn't have numbered or titled chapters, but it is broken up into sections with sub-sections under these. We'll call this Chapter:Section:Paragraph.

Quote #4

"All my life I wanted to accomplish something worthwhile—a thing people will say took a little doing, but I don't. I'm too restless—six months in any one place is too much for me." (2.2.59)

You'll notice that Frank's dream isn't really defined. "Something worthwhile" could mean anything. For a time, Frank thinks this might mean a life of crime. His restlessness is part of his problem, as he says, but he's also hindered by a lack of precision. The fellow needs a mission statement.

Quote #5

"I want a larger and better life. I want a return of my possibilities." (2.3.27)

Again, Frank's desires are vague. What does "larger" and "better" mean? What possibilities does he have in mind? Possibilities for what? He doesn't know, so he can't really pursue them.

Quote #6

"It takes years at night."

"Time don't mean anything to me."

"It does to me." (4.6.64-6)

Helen and Frank are talking about taking college courses at night. Frank is considering the idea. He's not bothered by the time commitment as Helen is, but this may be due less to impatience on his part than to his way of meandering through life with no definitive plans.