The Assistant Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: The book doesn't have numbered or titled chapters, but it is broken up into sections with sub-sections under these. We'll call this Chapter:Section:Paragraph.

Quote #4

That's why his luck had so often curdled, because he had the wrong idea of what he was and had spent all his energy trying to do the wrong things. Then when he had asked himself what he should be doing, he had another powerful idea, that he was meant for crime. (4.5.10)

This idea doesn't last, as Frank quickly learns how poorly prepared he is for a life of crime. He has a conscience, a very active one, and it won't leave him alone.

Quote #5

"It was a tragic thing to happen."

"I couldn't expect better," he said.

"Life renews itself."

"My luck stays the same." (4.6.98-101)

At times, Frank feels himself as bound to suffering as the Bobers are. It's important to notice that he speaks here of luck rather than fate. Luck can change, even if his hasn't yet seemed to do so. Fate is fate.

Quote #6

"When I don't feel hurt, I hope they bury me." (5.3.102)

Frank is almost attracted to pain and suffering. It's become a part of who he is. While he wants to rise above it, the idea of leaving it behind scares him.