The Assistant Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: The book doesn't have numbered or titled chapters, but it is broken up into sections with sub-sections under these. We'll call this Chapter:Section:Paragraph.

Quote #4

Otto Vogel, once when he was weighing a ham, warned him in a low voice, "Don't work for a Yid, kiddo. They will steal your ass while you are sitting on it." (3.1.21)

Vogel repeats the stereotype that Jews are swindlers. Morris, an honest man, ends up getting cheated by his gentile clerk, Frank. What do you have to say about that?

Quote #5

He thought she didn't look Jewish, which was all to the good. (3.2.3)

Frank doesn't despise Jews, but there's some animus in his outlook. He's cool with dating a Jewish woman, but he'd prefer she not resemble one, whatever that means.

Quote #6

He remembered thinking as they went into the store, a Jew is a Jew, what difference does it make? Now he thought, I held him up because he was a Jew. What the hell are they to me so that I gave them credit for it? (3.4.17)

It can be easy to get caught up in prejudices without really thinking them through. Frank had gone along with the robbery and the motivation for it, repeating the justification without a second (or first) thought.