The BFG Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The BFG? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. The BFG is afraid that if humans knew about him, they would put him in what?

a zoo
a jail cell
a norphanage
a lighthouse
Q. When the BFG talks about how everyone makes rules to suit themselves, he compares humans’ position to that of:

Q. The BFG is sensitive about

his dream collection
his clothes
his language
his breath
Q. How do Sophie and the BFG beat the other giants?

with their combined strength
with strategy and cleverness
with guns
with a steaming vat of snozzcumber stew
Q. Why does the BFG continue to hold Sophie up to read the dream labels, even though his arm is tired?

He’s trying to get her to notice his secret code.
Because he is patient.
Even giants gotta work out. Feel the burn!
Because Sophie is his friend.