Art Quotes in The Da Vinci Code

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"The Grail story is everywhere, but it is hidden. When the Church outlawed speaking of the shunned Mary Magdalene, her story and importance had to be passed on through more discreet channels … channels that supported metaphor and symbolism."

"Of course. The arts."

Langdon motioned to The Last Supper. "A perfect example. Some of today's most enduring art, literature, and music secretly tell the history of Mary Magdalene and Jesus." Langdon quickly told her about works by Da Vinci, Botticelli, Poussin, Bernini, Mozart, and Victor Hugo that all whispered of the quest to restore the banished sacred feminine. Enduring legends like Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, King Arthur, and Sleeping Beauty were Grail allegories. Victor Hugo's Hunchback of Notre Dame and Mozart's Magic Flute were filled with Masonic symbolism and Grail secrets. (61.15-17)

Okay, we can see the Sleeping Beauty allegory, but we're a bit in the dark with how the Hunchback of Notre Dame fits in…

Quote #11

Every surface in the chapel had been carved with symbols— Christian cruciforms, Jewish stars, Masonic seals, Templar crosses, cornucopias, pyramids, astrological signs, plants, vegetables, pentacles, and roses. The Knights Templar had been master stonemasons, erecting Templar churches all over Europe, but Rosslyn was considered their most sublime labor of love and veneration. The master masons had left no stone uncarved. Rosslyn Chapel was a shrine to all faiths … to all traditions … and, above all, to nature and the goddess. (104.24)

It's not surprising that Rosslyn Chapel would be a place that appeals to Priory members, and honestly, it's something that needs to be seen to be believed (this is worth a Google image search. Trust us.) What's surprising is the fact that Langdon resists the urge to lecture Sophie on the multitude of symbols that are carved into the walls of the church. Each one has a specific meaning or allegorical reference, and Dan Brown could've spent chapters describing each one that could relate to their quest.