Family Quotes in The Da Vinci Code

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Sophie wished her grandfather had never mentioned her family this afternoon. He had torn open old wounds that felt as painful now as ever. They are dead, Sophie. They are not coming back. She thought of her mother singing her to sleep at night, of her father giving her rides on his shoulders, and of her grandmother and younger brother smiling at her with their fervent green eyes. All that was stolen. And all she had left was her grandfather.

And now he is gone too. I am alone.

Family's always been really important to Sophie, particularly because she'd always felt like she'd been robbed of hers at such a young age. That's what makes her estrangement from her grandfather all the more pertinent, because she must've been really upset about what she saw in order to cut all ties for over ten years. And now that he's dead, that's just one more regret.

Quote #5

"[…] your grandfather gave you this cryptex in hopes you would keep the secret of the Holy Grail alive."


"Understandably, you feel obliged to follow the trail wherever it leads."

Sophie nodded, although she felt a second motivation still burning within her. The truth about my family. Despite Langdon's assurances that the keystone had nothing to do with her past, Sophie still sensed something deeply personal entwined within this mystery, as if this cryptex, forged by her grandfather's own hands, were trying to speak to her and offer some kind of resolution to the emptiness that had haunted her all these years. (69.4-7)

Sophie has powerful feelings of intuition that seem almost silly until we get to the end of the book and realize that she was right to feel this way all along.

Quote #6

"Robert, it explains everything. All the pieces fit. History repeats itself. The Church has a precedent of murder when it comes to silencing the Sangreal. With the End of Days imminent, killing the Grand Master's loved ones sent a very clear message. Be quiet, or you and Sophie are next."

"It was a car accident," Sophie stammered, feeling the childhood pain welling inside her. "An accident!"

"Bedtime stories to protect your innocence," Teabing said. "Consider that only two family members went untouched— the Priory's Grand Master and his lone granddaughter— the perfect pair to provide the Church with control over the brotherhood. I can only imagine the terror the Church wielded over your grandfather these past years, threatening to kill you if he dared release the Sangreal secret, threatening to finish the job they started unless Saunière influenced the Priory to reconsider its ancient vow."

Although Teabing was right to assume that the Church could've been behind the death of Sophie's family, in truth he's the only actual threat to Saunière and the Priory's secret.