Family Quotes in The Da Vinci Code

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Sophie felt only incredulity. "How could you possibly believe that we would help you?"

"Because, my dear, you are the reason the Priory failed to release the documents. Your grandfather's love for you prevented him from challenging the Church. His fear of reprisal against his only remaining family crippled him. He never had a chance to explain the truth because you rejected him, tying his hands, making him wait. Now you owe the world the truth. You owe it to the memory of your grandfather."

Ouch. Way to hit below the belt, Teabing. Using guilt to try and motivate Sophie to find the Holy Grail isn't such a wise move.

Quote #8

The woman threw her arms around Sophie, the tears flowing faster. "Your grandfather wanted so badly to tell you everything. But things were difficult between you two. He tried so hard. There's so much to explain. So very much to explain." She kissed Sophie's forehead once again, then whispered in her ear. "No more secret, princess. It's time you learn the truth about our family." (104.107)

Finally, Sophie's reunited with her long-lost grandmother, and we're reaching for a box of tissues.

Quote #9

Sophie and her grandmother were seated on the porch stairs in a tearful hug when the young docent dashed across the lawn, his eyes shining with hope and disbelief.


Through her tears, Sophie nodded, standing. She did not know the young man's face, but as they embraced, she could feel the power of the blood coursing through is veins…the blood she now understood they shared.

When Langdon walked across the lawn to join them, Sophie could not imagine that only yesterday she had felt so alone in the world. And now, somehow, in this foreign place, in the company of three people she barely knew, she felt at last that she was home. (104.108-111)

So, the whole "power of the blood" thing is a bit much, but this is a huge moment for Sophie. Even after the devastating death of the only family she'd ever known, she can finally find peace with the family she's finally rediscovered.