How It All Goes Down
- Someone tells Michael that his uncle, the Rabbi, has died, and Michael wonders if there's anything he could have done to help him.
- He goes to visit Chava, the Golem, who wants to go to the funeral, but there are no women allowed.
- Over in Little Syria, the Jinni tells Arbeely that he met a Golem.
- Arbeely is angry that the Jinni told the Golem so much about himself. He's afraid she'll organize the Jews and start looting Little Syria, an idea the Jinni finds ridonkulous.
- At home, the Golem thinks about the Jinni, but she doesn't really know what his deal is since she can't just Google it.
- She's also not sure what to do with the piece of paper the Rabbi left her, so she keeps it in a locket around her neck.
- Michael lays his uncle to rest and goes through his things, including a stack of papers in Hebrew that he plans on going over later.
- Exhausted like his uncle, Michael gets sick and collapses. Swooning runs in the family, it seems, and he has to be taken to the hospital.
- While he's gone, a man named Yehudah Schaalman is renamed Joseph Schall by the Bureau of Immigration.