How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"You wore a hat," the Golem said. "Thank you." (16.1)
The Jinni wears a hat, even though he feels it compromises his identity, because the Golem asks her to. Yet he doesn't resent her, because he knows she means it as a friend, not as a means to control him.
Quote #8
At length they noticed her shirtwaist, and gasped and cooed over it, and begged her to tell them where she'd gotten it. The attention unnerved her, but it was so honestly friendly that she began to relax, even to smile. (18.68)
It didn't seem like Anna and the Golem will be good friends early in the book, but once the Golem wows Anna's friends with her impeccable taste in fashion, she's part of their social circle immediately. They just have to find something in common besides a place of employment.
Quote #9
Where, thought the Golem, did she herself fit in? Somewhere between mother and daughter, she supposed: no longer innocent, not yet understanding. (22.28)
In "between mother and daughter" means that the Golem is perfect for the role of friend (like Jennifer Aniston. Lisa Kudrow, or Courtney Cox) to all the new girls at the bakery. She serves as both friend and mentor to Ruby, who is immediately stressed about the job.