Gender Quotes in The Golem and the Jinni

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"When is the funeral?" [the Golem] asked.


"I won't be allowed," she said, as if to confirm it.

"No," [Michael] sighed. "No women. I wish it were otherwise." (12.21-12.24)

It doesn't help women's rights that the religions are patriarchal, too—here we see the Golem even being forbidden from attending a funeral. The Golem later breaks this rule when she attends Michael—a.k.a. her husband's—funeral.

Quote #5

"How could I go out alone, after dark? I would be noticed, an unaccompanied woman on the street." (13.150)

The Golem has to stay in at night, not because of her safety, but because of her reputation. It's unseemly for a woman to be seen alone in public at any time, but especially at night.

Quote #6

"A man tells you to believe, and you believe?"

"It depends on the man." (16.47-16.48)

The Jinni is an unlikely source of feminist thought here. Even he thinks it's ridiculous for the Golem to follow a man's orders, and this coming from a guy who will sleep with a woman and never talk to her again.