How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
She'd bound herself to him; she would see through what she'd begun. And perhaps, one day, she would tell him the truth. (21.51)
The Golem's whole marriage to Michael is a deception. We can't even imagine what the truth would sound like. Something to the tune of: "I'm made of clay. I don't really love you. I hate making all these macaroons…"
Quote #8
If you don't bring the money, I will go to the police and tell them the truth. I will say it was Chava who attacked Irving, and tell them where they can find her. (22.102)
We're not sure if Anna is lying here or not, but her blackmail is totally deceitful. She'll resort to anything to be able to support her baby since Irving is a total deadbeat.
Quote #9
[Michael had] woken—or thought he'd woken—to find his wife lifeless beside him, still as marble. But then she was herself again, alive and breathing. Strange, how dream and reality could merge so seamlessly. (22.137)
While Chava might be doing her own fair share of lying to her husband, Michael, by refusing to ask her questions and confront the truth, is deceiving himself.