How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"I know what dreams are. […] I can enter them." (3.98)
The Golem and the Jinni have some superpowers we don't normally see. Whereas the Golem can feel others' thoughts, the Jinni can enter their dreams. How do you think this measures up against being able to turn into a wolf or drinking blood?
Quote #5
Yehudah Schaalman awoke to darkness and the certain knowledge that he was somehow damned. (4.64)
Like many supernatural things, the source of Schaalman's wizardry is a little vague. He had a dream, awoke feeling damned, and turned away from his religion to a life of evil. Presto, change-o.
Quote #6
"It is an ifrit," she said. "It needs to be cast out." (5.69)
One interesting aspect of the Jinni's lore is the different subsets of being a jinni. The Syrian Desert seems to be full of all sorts of dangerous supernatural creatures—and here we thought dehydration was the worst thing to watch out for.