How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"She never speaks. She just has all kinds of sex, and she lets people do things to her, insert things into her. It's disgusting and sexist. I swear, I'm going to devote my life to being a feminist." (7.111)
Ash talks about feminism here as though it's the opposite of what she saw in a very early porn film—and yet for all the ways in which she's arguing that this intense passivity is anti-feminist, she completely fails to pay Cathy the same respect.
Quote #8
Oh yes, she thought as she sat in her chair, that's me, Diaphragm Girl. She looked around at all the other women, and imagined that they thought she wasn't a virgin. (9.15)
Worst. Superhero. Name. Ever.
Quote #9
You could go with your best friend to this friendly sex toy store located in an anonymous office building, and stand together, silently shaking with laughter, both teenaged and fully grown all at once. (11.25).
Perhaps exploring who you are as a sexual being is more important in terms of coming of age than any particular sex act.