How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
He refuses to believe his family is gone and swears to himself that he won't rest until he finds them safe and sound. (19.15)
Sure, it might be denial to refuse to admit that your family is dead, but it's also courageous of Mark to think that he can save them.
Quote #5
Almost seventeen years of life, and he never knew what a coward he was. (20.7)
Please, Mark. You're sixteen years old and the sun is melting everyone around you… so don't think you're a coward just because you get scared every once in a while.
Quote #6
Maybe, just maybe there was a spark of hope. Maybe. How many times had he faced death in the last year or so? He was used to it by now. (44.3)
Hope is something that's rarely found in Mark's world, so it's pretty courageous of him to even try to find a spark of it. Especially because this is when he knows for sure that he has the Flare.