How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"This was… different. For a second it felt like it was Christmas morning, watching a guy get crushed to death." (45.43)
Hmm, that's… unsettling.
Quote #8
Mark doesn't let himself look at the boy. Instead he stares at the man who killed him, hatred clouding his vision. (47.6)
Here, Mark is staring at the man who killed Baxter. Though fear is probably the first thing most people would feel, Mark feels hatred, which points at how he's naturally filled with immense anger and frustration.
Quote #9
Mark started dragging him down the hallway, aware on some level that he himself had crossed into territory from which he wasn't sure he'd come back. (65.31)
Despite being aware that what he is doing is completely wrong, Mark can't push down the rage that erupts within him. Hmm, that ain't good.